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Zoo Med Hermit Crab Salt Water Conditioner Parr 2

Zoo Med Hermit Crab Salt Water Conditioner Parr 2

Regular price $4.16 USD
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Providing hermit crabs with a dish of salt water is beneficial for their health, as it closely mimics their natural habitat. Using a conditioner that adds natural sea salt and calcium while removing chlorine and chloramines is an excellent way to ensure safe and healthy salt water for your crabs. Here are the key features and benefits:

Key Features:

  • Natural Sea Salt Addition: The conditioner adds natural sea salt to the water, which is important for hermit crabs as it provides essential minerals and helps maintain their physiological balance.
  • Calcium-Enriched: The inclusion of calcium supports shell health and growth, which is vital for hermit crabs.
  • Removes Chlorine and Chloramines: Effectively neutralizes harmful chemicals commonly found in tap water, making it safe for hermit crabs to use.


  • Supports Natural Behavior: Access to salt water allows hermit crabs to engage in natural behaviors such as dipping and moistening themselves, which is important for their overall well-being.
  • Improved Hydration: The combination of fresh and salt water helps ensure that hermit crabs stay hydrated while obtaining necessary minerals.
  • Safe Environment: By treating the water, you prevent potential health issues related to toxic chemicals, ensuring a safe habitat for your crabs.

Usage Tips:

  • Separate Dishes: It's important to provide salt water in a separate dish from fresh water to prevent confusion and ensure your crabs can access both sources easily.
  • Regular Monitoring: Change the salt water regularly to maintain cleanliness and prevent bacterial growth, just as you would with fresh water.

Using a conditioner that adds sea salt and calcium while removing harmful chemicals is a simple yet effective way to enhance your hermit crabs’ living environment. If you have any questions about maintaining their water supply or other care tips, feel free to ask!

Product features

  • Eliminates new tank syndrome
  • Instantly creates a bio filter
  • Removes toxic ammonia and nitrite, naturally
  • No sulfur or other offensive odors
  • No wait needed
  • 100% natural

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